Here is the largest painting in the collection so far! It is a piece called Surrender and is mainly about the ability to let go and go with the flow. I will be making 2 large pieces like this for Galleri Melefors – but the next will have it’s debut in the fall

Like many of the pieces in this collection, the base inspiration came from John Bauer. He painted many women sitting in front of dark water in the forest. I wanted to recreate that theme on my own terms with my own meaning. At the time I was exploring the idea of letting go and letting things develop as they should in their own time.

In my original concept, I had foxes surrounding the girl. I have painted foxes many times and love their color and energy. But this collection has been focused on wolves and that brings a much different vibe to this painting. To me, I couldn’t tell if the wolves were there to guard, aid, protect, threaten or warn the figure in the painting. It is a mystery even to me.

But I wanted the characteristics of the wolves to remain open to interpretation. In the end, she is releasing regardless of their presence. She is letting herself just be her, being open to the water and the current and allowing herself to be exactly who she needs to be in that moment. Free.

I thought it would be kind of fun to share some “behind the scenes” photos for this painting haha! It was a cold rainy November day when we headed out to Bergsjön up on Mösseberg mountain to try and create good reference photos for this piece. I had to stand in the water and do my best to capture her look with teeth chattering It is pretty hilarious to look back on! The thing is – water is one of my great challenges as an artist and I need good visual tools to create it properly with paint.

Special thanks to my model Leya who has endured much in the creation of this collection! <3 Together we got to create a dark water forescape. I hope you all enjoy this painting and thanks for taking the time to read this post!
This painting is available through Galleri Melefors if you are interested in giving it a home. Please feel free to get in touch with them with any questions!