Wow, painting number 8 out of 10! This is an exciting moment. We are nearing the finish line – and this piece has been circling my head for near on a year now.
I didn’t actually take the reference photos for this piece in conjunction with the other concepts. I took it many months before I even knew I would be showing at Galleri Melefors. We were out on Ålleberg mountain here in Falköping, wandering the fields and trees as we do. I took this image the last thing I did, thinking how beautiful and dreamy it would be in a purpely blue palette.

I had been thinking about this concept, then I dreamt about taking photos of a blonde girl sitting amongst rolling hills with the title “When I Believed in Magic (all I could see was you)” floating through my head. The dream reminded me very much of these reference photos and it all came together.

Wolves have been a central part of this entire collection. They have been menacing, tempting, protective and aloof. Here I imagine them calm, as she is calm. Lost in a daydream, in a memory, a thing passing through the mind. The title reminds me very much of when I am connected to a more spiritual part of myself and the things and situations that cross my mind appear with rose tinted glasses. When we believe everything and everyone is connected, somehow it brings a sense of peace.

It brings me peace knowing that everyone that comes into my life does so for a reason. Even if things hurt, even if it makes me uncomfortable or sad or even beyond happy… they are there for a reason. Underneath it all, in a way, we are all the same. They affect me, I affect them. It’s a give and take. The how is lost in the mystery and magic though at times.

Love and emotions can be blinding. But they are one thing we can’t run from sometimes and simply need to sit and feel.
This painting measures 45 x 60 cm and will be available through Galleri Melefors (available with a frame!) so if you are interested in giving it a home be sure to get in touch!